Monthly gifts don't just pay bills, they create stability. When you give monthly, you're making a vital contribution to WIVH's ability to continue being the Voice of Hope in the Virgin Islands!
Browse our curated list of resources for Easter and celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ with meaning and intent this year! Allow the slower pace to help you discover–or rediscover–the beauty of Easter.
In good times and bad, it’s always helpful to remind ourselves that the faithfulness and goodness of God transcend all circumstances and situations! As Creator of all things, He has been on the throne since the beginning of time–through countless uprisings, injustices, pandemics, famines, kingdoms, and authorities. We see only a glimpse of what is going on around us, but He not only sees all… He is sovereign over all!
Turn down the noise, mental clutter, negativity, and distractions that make it hard to focus on God and His truth. Take the 30-Day Challenge and start 2021 with 30 days of Christian radio, where you'll hear music and programs that point you to God.
What happens when you take the wacky adventures of a fictional American family and mix them with exciting true stories of heroes from around the globe? You get a captivating audio drama series called Brinkman Adventures! Powerful stories from the lives of real people come to life through the humorous escapades of the Brinkman family. These adventures will strengthen your faith and family and entertain listeners of all ages. Brinkman Adventures is a treat for the ears, mind, and heart.
"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock," (Isaiah 26:3-4, ESV).