New Music Report – May 2024

As we move into May, there’s plenty of new music to listen for on Your Voice of Hope. Keep your ears open for these new tunes…

When Phil Wickham wrote a personal poem a few years ago, he didn’t think it would become a song…God had other other plans. His latest single “The Jesus Way” comes from a season in Phil’s life where he felt far from God, but needed His guidance to navigate through a difficult situation. We trust this song will be an encouragement to you as you navigate through life with the pursuit of becoming more like Christ.

Isaiah 40:8 says: “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” Cody Carnes newest release “Take You At Your Word” reminds us that all of God’s word is true. By placing our hope and trust in Him, we can be assured that He will never fail us.

No matter how we spend our time, it always seems to fly by. Jason Fowler’s newest song “Wasted Time” looks at what we are made for, and called to do as followers of Jesus. The minutes, hours, days, and weeks can pile up before we even realize it, and we’ve lost opportunities to be Jesus to this lost world.

Ryan Stevenson brings his unique style to the airwaves once again with his song “Just As You Are”. No matter our individual backgrounds or situations, God is in the business of taking us in our sinfulness, and making us whole before Him when we put our faith in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross.

Thanks as always for listening to and supporting WIVH!