From Us To You
January 1, 2022
I recently heard someone say “I want to be a better person.” It made me think, “What would make ME a better person?” I’m not talking about superficial things like losing weight or exercising more… you know, the typical New Year’s resolution. I’m talking about “what changes could I make, SHOULD I make, to better reflect the life of Christ?”
I’m not sure what it is about the new year that makes us ponder these things, but I would encourage you, if the Lord prompts you to make a change, take the steps to make it happen! Some of those changes may be noticeable to those around you, others will only be known by the change it makes inside your heart.
We have some exciting changes behind the scenes happening here at WIVH. Work has already begun to prepare for a new transmitter and broadcast antenna that will be purchased this year that will allow us to take advantage of new technologies and provide a better signal to the islands. Pray with us that those transitions will go seamlessly! Pray too that as we remain faithful in broadcasting here at WIVH, we will continue to see believers encouraged and those who are far from the Lord being brought near in this new year!
Reflecting the Son,
Tim Madeira
General Manager