From Us To You

From Us to You – July 2024 Anticipation –  Looking forward to something we know is going to happen. That’s what July is about for us this year. In some ways I feel like Paul Revere riding through the streets…”the grandkids are coming, the grandkids are coming!” Okay, the rest of the family is coming...
From Us to You – June 2024 I have been involved in prison ministry for as long as I can remember. My dad is a pastor and also served as a prison chaplain; my brothers and I would often join him in going to our local prisons. Sometimes we would just be there with him...
  From Us to You – May 2024 As the father of three girls, I have experienced my fair share of emotional tears… As one of three boys growing up, I’ve also experienced my fair share of “walk it offs.” That’s not to say my girls didn’t “walk off” quite a few bumps and bruises,...
From Us to You – April 2024 What. A. Blessing! It was such a joy to see so many of you face to face during this year’s Share-a-Thon for WIVH! Many more called in and expressed how much the ministry of WIVH means to the islands, and we want to let you know that you...
From Us to You March 2024 Ag-fair season may be in the rearview mirror here in the islands, but we have a lot to look forward to! Whether you went to the Farmer’s Agricultural and Cultural Fair on St Thomas in January, or AgriFest on St Croix in February, you know that the arts and...
I don't know about you, but for Heather and me, summertime is porch time! We eat our meals there listening to the birds chattering at the feeder; we relax there in the evening and watch the fireflies blinking in the trees. Any opportunity finds us either sitting on the porch together, or Heather tending to her flowers that decorate it. These simple pleasures bring peace to our summer days, all the while in the back of our mind knowing that all too soon the busyness of back-to-school season will begin.
I don't know about you, but for Heather and me, summertime is porch time! We eat our meals there listening to the birds chattering at the feeder; we relax there in the evening and watch the fireflies blinking in the trees. Any opportunity finds us either sitting on the porch together, or Heather tending to her flowers that decorate it. These simple pleasures bring peace to our summer days, all the while in the back of our mind knowing that all too soon the busyness of back-to-school season will begin.
Recently, I was giving a tour of the studios to a young couple. As we wrapped up, I was asked a two-part question: what is your greatest joy in radio ministry, and what is your greatest challenge? What great questions! It only took me a second to come up with my greatest joy: connecting with our listeners. Feedback, comments, and encouragement from listeners reminds me that what we say on the air matters more than we know!
Despite the way things look at times in the world, we have much to be thankful for! A relatively quiet hurricane season is coming to a close, and we will soon see the temperatures moderating just a bit. As Thanksgiving approaches, we are blessed to have you as a part of our extended family. Your faithful commitment to the mission of WIVH has allowed us to share the message of hope, love, and salvation through the airwaves, and for that we are truly thankful!
I love the church! When I say that, I don't mean I love MY church, I mean I love the "Big C" church. The Bible talks about Christ loving the church so much that he gave himself for it (Ephesians 5:25-32). That's a lot of love! It's a love that doesn't come easy to us, but neither is it optional for us. So many people criticize the church when really they are criticizing individuals in the church. Pastors often feel this criticism deeply because it can feel like a personal attack, even if it's not–I know because I have the privilege of meeting regularly with these undershepherds who express their desire to "shepherd the flock... as God would have (them)... being examples to the flock,” (1 Peter 5:1-2).