From Us to You – May 2024

As the father of three girls, I have experienced my fair share of emotional tears… As one of three boys growing up, I’ve also experienced my fair share of “walk it offs.” That’s not to say my girls didn’t “walk off” quite a few bumps and bruises, or that my brothers and I didn’t shed a few tears growing up. There’s nothing wrong with bucking ourselves up, or shedding a tear or two as we go through life. In fact, David puts it this way in Psalm 56:8,  “You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?”

It’s so encouraging to know that God knows exactly what we are going through. He does not forget us or forsake us. David was reminding himself of God’s faithfulness in this psalm, not because he felt it, but because he didn’t feel it! He had been fleeing from Saul and wound up in Gath. Yes, the very same Gath that Goliath was from. He was in fear because he was sure they weren’t going to welcome him with open arms! 

Are you in the midst of tears and fears right now? Do you need to “buck yourself up” by reminding yourself of God’s faithfulness? This is exactly what David did, and what we try to encourage you to do everyday on WIVH. David goes on to say in Psalm 56:11 “In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do unto me?” 

Thank you for helping us be the encouragement that someone needs today!

Trusting God,

Tim Madeira

General Manager