From Us To You

"I can't do it all!" Okay, so maybe you look at that statement and say, "Of course you can't!" My problem is, I look at that statement and...
I recently heard someone say "I want to be a better person." It made me think, "What would make ME a better person?" I'm not talking about superficial things like losing weight or exercising more... you know, the typical New Year's resolution. I'm talking about "what changes could I make, SHOULD I make, to better reflect the life of Christ?"
We have a cousin whose birthday falls around Christmas Day, and his day can easily get lost in the shuffle of the holiday season. Ironically, it's actually easy for the birth of our Savior to get lost in the shuffle of the holiday season!
Because we tend to listen to radio when we are by ourselves, it's easy to forget that radio has the power to reach thousands of people every day. Think about it, while you may be driving alone in your car and listening to WIVH, the person passing you in the other direction could be listening to exactly the same program at the same time! The gospel message, the song that is encouraging you, the story that is bringing tears to your eyes–it may be doing the same to someone else at exactly the same time!
What is your go-to verse? The one you find yourself quoting the most? For us, we have a family verse, Deuteronomy 6:4-9: "Love the Lord your God...teach [these words] diligently to your children." My personal verse (Tim) is Isaiah 40:31, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength..." But the verse I find myself quoting the most to myself, my family, and those around me is...
Fear. Despair. Hopelessness. The words themselves can fill the heart and mind with a sense of impending doom. As we look at the situations around us at home and abroad, it could be easy to succumb to the negative thoughts that could easily overwhelm us. So how do we overcome those thoughts without a "stick your head in the sand" mentality?
Music is powerful! Not only can the lyrics of a good song get right to the heart of a matter, the instrumentation can evoke a strong emotional response. The combination of the two can have either a positive or negative effect on...
Thank you for your faithfulness and care! The staff at WRGN and WIVH is constantly remarking how wonderfully faithful and caring the listeners, supporters, and volunteers of the station are and we want you to know how much we appreciate you!
I've spent a lot of time on my knees lately. I don't say that to sound super spiritual... actually, the time on my knees had nothing to do with prayer! That's not to say I haven't spent time in prayer–in fact, prayer for...
I have a friend who has a collection of nearly a hundred baseball caps. I'm not much of a hat wearer myself, although on a bad hair day or when it's really sunny out, a baseball cap be a good thing.